Hi Everyone! I don’t remember precisely how music entered my life but it sure brings me to the early years of “the soundtrack of my existence”. It does have this power of bringing back precise moments of the past, like madeleines. Sometimes the right song at the right time can transform a situation and surround it with magic. The mood changes, our heart opens or we suddenly feel like dancing. It offers a break in the pattern we felt trapped into without noticing. Music is pretty much a key to the best part of ourselves : the part that likes to play and let seriousness float away, the part where the people around us suddenly appear as unique touches to a global unseen painting. Needless to say that i paint with music in the room, and as for playing the piano or my guitar well, it gets harder to paint at the same time. And every time it produces joy in me and my strongest wish is for this positive energy to reach you as well, until you grab your own musical instruments, sing, dance or at least see the clouds on your soul drift away for a while, which should be , as far as i am concerned, the goal of any artist.
Hi everyone. It is the middle of the night and I must admit that it has always been my favourite time. Alone in the atelier, everything is quiet. I center myself and it becomes easier to sort the thoughts floating through my mind. Everything is influence and it is not necesarily a bad thing. We feed each other with courage, support, love and our connection to the world and others is vital. However, in a world where communication has become constantly possible, we rarely take the time we need to ponder. The time to listen to our inner voice and get in touch with our true feelings. Pondering is not like overthinking, it is more a soft contemplation of who we want to be, what really counts. With open heart and honesty, we learn to be kind to ourselves. For we need this kindness if we want to spread it to the world, or else, our melodies will sound a little out of tune. Without this consideration for ourselves, things go quickly out of hand. And we feel lost. But we lost ourselves. But if we are honest, deep down we know who we want to be , and the map, the path was always there, ever since, as a child, we wondered who we would like to be. Always trust the Child you were. They know.
Hi Everyone. How unforgettable are the times when our hearts are filled with a light desire to just give and forget to count … when we manage to free ourselves from the weight of bitter pasts and anxious expectations. When our smiles just spring naturally and we needn’t think about a reason. How grateful we should be towards the solar beings who allow our desire to be alive to flow without judgement🌞🤗 There are encounters of outstanding quality in our lives and they often go unnoticed because the simple truth and warmth of these chance reunions make them seem very natural. Yet this is where resides all the magic of the universe. Fugitive glimpses of the extraordinary power of connection. Powerful enough to let us step up and let go of our deep rooted tendencies to doubt there is nothing left to hope. If we simply tried to be to our fellow humans examples of the sort of people we would be delighted to meet and spend time with, maybe they would follow and be inspired. Why should we wait for others to “be nice” first, The truth is that when we give we are already rewarded Because deeply we know that we have played the game fairly… not a game of business war but one that acknowledges our interdepence and complementarity. And not in a frowned and dramatic way but in a light hearted way, soft, warm and reassuring , as if we kissed Life with eyes wide open, being brave enough to love it.
Jeff Roland
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